Publishing & Self-Publishing

To publish or self-publish? That is the timely question…

Well, that’s what Shakespeare might be asking if he was still alive. Indeed, it’s the question on many a budding […]

How to price your nonfiction book on Amazon

So, you’ve written a book. You’ve spent a lot of time researching, planning, and editing your manuscript, and it’s finally […]

Here’s how to get started on publishing poetry

How to Publish Poetry

by Peri Cimen At The Book Shelf, we help nonfiction authors publish their work. But we have a confession to […]

How much money can you make from publishing a book?

A side-view photo of a pair of hands wearing a watch working on a laptop with a teal coffee cup, notebooks and a phone on a wooden desk. A window and a plant can be seen in the background

As an aspiring author, you might be wondering how much money you can potentially earn from writing and publishing a […]

Should authors create and narrate their own audiobooks?

Should Authors Create and Narrate Their Own Audiobooks

by Ameesha Smith-Green In the last five years, audiobooks have grown in popularity, which is understandable when you consider the […]

Mirror mirror on the wall, should I avoid vanity publishers?

Mirror Mirror on the Wall, Should I Avoid Vanity Publishers

by Ameesha Smith-Green “Mirror mirror on the wall, whose book is fairest of them all?” The term “vanity publishing” certainly […]

Traditional Publishing vs. Self-Publishing: The Truth About Which Is Better

An up-close photo of an open book with its book spine, in orange lighting

by Ameesha Green As an aspiring author considering publishing a book, you’ll be faced with the often difficult decision of […]

The 5 biggest mistakes nonfiction authors make might surprise you

The 5 Biggest Mistakes That Authors Make

by Ameesha Smith-Green Having worked in and around the publishing industry for the past 12 years, I’ve seen a lot […]

How do you make a self-published book look professional?

How Do You Make a Self-Published Book Look Professional

by Ameesha Smith-Green Self-publishing can be a fantastic thing. It gives any aspiring author the ability to publish a book […]

Top 5 author marketing trends you shouldn’t miss out on

Top 5 Marketing Trends Authors Should Not Overlook

Sometimes, marketing your book can be harder than writing it. There are so many different strategies out there that it […]

What is the best way to self-publish your Memoir?

What's the Best Way to Self-Publish My Memoir?

by Phoebe Geary Memoirs are one of the most popular genres of narrative nonfiction for both readers and writers. They’re […]

5 steps to getting published after finishing your book

5 Steps towards Publication

by Shelby Jones The end of your story isn’t really the end. By all means, celebrate and breathe a sigh […]

Why authors self-publish and how much it really costs

Twenty years ago, if you wanted to publish a book and have people actually read it, you needed a publisher […]

Why authors want a publisher and why it’s so hard to get one

With the explosion of self-publishing over the last decade or so—and with its benefits of speed, ease, and accessibility—you might […]

Self-publishing your book: Should you DIY or get expert help?

Since the rise of self-publishing as an alternative to traditional publishers, millions of authors have been able to release their […]

How to get published: An insider’s guide to the 4 types of book publishing

If you’re an aspiring author, the age-old question is “How do I get my book published?” While it used to […]

What is more lucrative: traditional publishing or self-publishing?

Some people write books for the love. Some to entertain and enthral readers. Some to make the world a better […]

The worst 5 pitfalls of self-publishing and how to avoid them

Self-publishing can be a magical thing. It opened up the publishing world to the masses, enabling anybody to publish a […]