Writer’s Guides

How to get published when you are writing in a non-native language

As a nonfiction book editor, I’m often asked whether it’s possible to publish a book as a non-native speaker or […]

Introduction VS preface: Is there really a difference?

A close-up photo of two hands: one writing on a spiral notebook with a silver pen and the other using the laptop mouse trackpad on a glossy black desk against a sunny background

Introduction or preface: Is there a difference? If you’re writing a nonfiction book, or thinking about writing one, you might […]

To publish or self-publish? That is the timely question…

Well, that’s what Shakespeare might be asking if he was still alive. Indeed, it’s the question on many a budding […]

 This is how to write your non-fiction book in 10 steps

We’ve all heard the saying “Everyone has one good book in them” or some variation. In fact, the original quote […]

Do you want to write? 4 proven writing styles for novice and veteran writers

Why does it matter? Can’t I write however I want? There are four general stylistic categories that writing falls into. […]

How to start writing online: our CEO-approved tip!

A bird's-eye view image of a dark-stained wood desk with plants on the top right corner and three letter tiles saying Q&A in orange lettering on the bottom left.

So, you’ve got an idea for a nonfiction book and you want to start writing. But wait… you haven’t written […]

 3 Reasons why your article is not doing well

As an editor, I can tell you why your articles don’t get a lot of views Here at The Book Shelf, […]

3 Key tips for neurodivergent writers: ADHD/ Autism

A couple of weeks ago, we discussed (and subsequently smashed) the ‘Myth of the ‘Natural’ Writer’ and discussed the absolute best thing […]

Do you need alpha or beta readers for your book?

Alpha? Beta? These Greek semantics serve a different purpose in the writing process. New and veteran authors alike find these […]

How to price your nonfiction book on Amazon

So, you’ve written a book. You’ve spent a lot of time researching, planning, and editing your manuscript, and it’s finally […]

5 Books that will inspire you to write

“The Six Golden Rules of Writing: Read, read, read, write, write, write.” Ernest Gaines Like most writers, I started because I […]

Here’s how to get started on publishing poetry

How to Publish Poetry

by Peri Cimen At The Book Shelf, we help nonfiction authors publish their work. But we have a confession to […]

Here’s how to get over writer’s block: 8 Top tips

8 Top Tips for Getting over Writer's Block

by Soria Nicholson Most writers fear those dreaded two words that we find ourselves plagued with every once in a […]

Embrace writer’s block: How to make it part of your writing

How to Embrace Writer’s Block

by Peri Cimen We’ve all been there. Whether you’ve been staring at a blank Word document for days or hit […]

How much money can you make from publishing a book?

A side-view photo of a pair of hands wearing a watch working on a laptop with a teal coffee cup, notebooks and a phone on a wooden desk. A window and a plant can be seen in the background

As an aspiring author, you might be wondering how much money you can potentially earn from writing and publishing a […]

Should authors create and narrate their own audiobooks?

Should Authors Create and Narrate Their Own Audiobooks

by Ameesha Smith-Green In the last five years, audiobooks have grown in popularity, which is understandable when you consider the […]

Want to finally get writing? Here’s how

5 Ways to Start Writing

by Shelby Jones The beginning is the hardest part—of anything. And you’re a writer, so putting your thoughts into action […]

Mirror mirror on the wall, should I avoid vanity publishers?

Mirror Mirror on the Wall, Should I Avoid Vanity Publishers

by Ameesha Smith-Green “Mirror mirror on the wall, whose book is fairest of them all?” The term “vanity publishing” certainly […]